Harvard Will Not Alter Its Sexual Assault Policies in Response to Yale

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Harvard administrator said the University does not intend to alter its sexual assault policies in response to Yale’s recent settlement over a complaint that alleged that Yale’s sexual misconduct grievance procedures violated Title IX.

In an agreement with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, Yale agreed to uphold its recent policy changes—including its adoption of the lower “preponderance of the evidence” standard, which requires the university to be at least 51 percent certain of an alleged perpetrator’s guilt before issuing a guilty verdict. The previous policy required a “clear preponderance of the evidence,” a more stringent burden of proof.
Currently, Harvard employs different standards of evidence among its various schools. The Law School uses the more stringent “burden of proof” standard--which requires about 80 percent proof for a guilty verdict--while the Faculty of Arts and Sciences requires that the Administrative Board be “sufficiently persuaded” of an accused student’s responsibility for an alleged incident.'

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