"The rebranding of circumcision as 'child abuse' echoes the ugly anti-Semitism of medieval Europe"

Article here. Excerpt:

'There are many bad things about the modern atheistic assault on religion. But perhaps the worst thing is its rebranding of certain religious practices as "child abuse". Everything from sending your kid to a Catholic school to having your baby boy circumcised has been redefined by anti-religious campaigners as "abuse". This use of emotionally loaded language to demonise the practices and beliefs of people of faith has reached its ugly and logical conclusion in Germany, where a court has decreed that circumcision for religious purposes causes "bodily harm", against boys who are "unable to give their consent", and therefore should be outlawed.

This is an alarming attack on freedom of religion and on parents' rights to initiate their children into their faith. The court case centred around a four-year-old Muslim boy who was given a very bad circumcision, but the precedent set by the case will of course affect Jews as well as Muslims. And as Germany's Central Council of Jews rightly said, the court's ruling is "an egregious and insensitive measure", which represents "an unprecedented and dramatic intervention in religious communities' right of determination". He points out that Jews have the freedom to circumcise their male children in every country in the world – but soon maybe not in Germany.'

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Your straw man argument is transparent. People who are opposed to abusing children aren't anti-religious, then are anti-abuse. Circumcision harms. All circumcisions harm, not just the assaults upon boys who happen to born to Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or Atheist parents. The child doesn't care what their parents believe, he only cares that it hurts. A LOT. And for the rest of his life his sexuality will be changed.

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Blah blah blah....you stupid goyim aren't allowed to question anything we do. Blah blah blah...we'll ruin your career and reputation. Blah blah blah...anti-semiism, it's anti-semitism.

So lame and predictable.

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