Taxing Marriage To Fund Domestic Violence Grants - Sense Or Nonsense?

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the end the Court let the tax stand:

Rather, based on the facts before us, we cannot say that a $5 fee on a marriage license constitutes a significant burden on the right to marry. Thus, we will apply the rational basis test. Applying that test, we believe that the legislature’s imposition of a small charge on marriage license applicants is reasonably related to the Fund’s narrow purpose of helping married victims of domestic violence leave violent marriages. As we find that the tax bears a rational relationship to a legitimate legislative purpose, the plaintiff’s due process claim fails.

I have not been able to discern who it is that thought taking an extra five bucks from each newly married couple to fund domestic violence programs, specifically for married people, was a good idea. It seems like something that might occur to radical feminists and admittedly does have a certain logic to it. I would think that defenders of traditional marriage might find the whole thing more disturbing than allowing gay marriage, but the decision has not attracted much notice. Hopefully, I’ll get some comments that will shed a little more light.'

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