SAVE Elert: Govt. Panel Says No Need to Screen Abused Men for IPV

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has just released its draft recommendations to screen for intimate partner violence (IPV) in healthcare settings. The panel says all women should be assessed for IPV:

But if you're an abused man.... you didn't make the cut.

There's hope: the Task Force recommendations are just a draft, so if enough persons complain, maybe they'll change them to include men.

Here's how to email your polite comments:

Take 5 minutes today - you may save an abused man's life.


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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everything, i repeat everything the government does benefits women first. anybody else ultimately just gets the leavin's. v.a.w.a. $$$, and hundreds of other money cows guarantee it.

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