Unemployed Men Undesirable To Women, "It's Just Lunch" Survey Finds

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's not unusual for people looking for a relationship to keep a mental checklist of qualities they absolutely require in a a partner. But a recent survey by the dating service "It's Just Lunch" found that there's one box in particular that straight women want checked: they want the men they date to have jobs.

Of the 925 single women surveyed, 75 percent said they'd have a problem with dating someone without a job. Only 4 percent of respondents asked whether they would go out with an unemployed man answered "of course."

"Not having a job will definitely make it harder for men to date someone they don't already know," Irene LaCota, a spokesperson for It's Just Lunch, said in a press release. "This is the rare area, compared to other topics we've done surveys on, where women's old-fashioned beliefs about sex roles seem to apply."

Still, the new survey joins an existing body of research indicating that women do want a man with some financial resources. One oft-cited study out of the U.K. in 2011 found that women today care more about a man's income and level of education than they did in the 1940s. Another study published last year found that German women increasingly look for men with salaries similar to their own. The reason, again, wasn't that the women wanted a man to take care of them. Instead participants reported that they wanted a mate with equal earning power to avoid the conflict they foresaw arising if their male partners felt insecure about them earning more.'

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"The reason, again, wasn't that the women wanted a man to take care of them. Instead participants reported that they wanted a mate with equal earning power to avoid the conflict they foresaw arising if their male partners felt insecure about them earning more."

Bullocks. Bold-faced lying. Where dating is concerned, it's about whether he can show her a better time than she can show herself, period. When was the last time you heard of a well-to-do woman whisking a far-less-well-to-do man off on a vacation to France?

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Women don't much believe in old-fashioned sex roles, except when it comes to men having money. Who'd a thunk it? Women have neither taken on men's financial accountability nor have they relieved men of theirs. As Chris Rock says, if you're a woman, you're never not gonna get laid if you don't have money. But for men, well, if you want some ass, you better have some cash.

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This form of reproductive discrimination is referred to as hypergamy, and is a disease that afflicts most of the worlds women.

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