F&F: Day One: Family Law Reform Promoting Responsible Fatherhood
Article here. Excerpt:
'“Equal shared parenting as a default in custody disputes is the logical and ethical choice: a win-win for fathers, for children and the nation. Let tomorrow be Day One of family law reform in America,” wrote Barbara Kay, a columnist with the National Post of Canada, in her article, A Father’s Day Downer, that ran in the New York Daily News, on Father’s Day.
Kay made her case with the facts and figures we know too well: “Father absence is devastating for children. Exhaustive peer-reviewed research confirms that the absence of a father is the single most reliable predictor for a whole roster of negative outcomes: low self-esteem, parental alienation, high school dropout (71% are fatherless), truancy, early sexual activity, promiscuity, teen pregnancy, gang membership, imprisonment (85% of jailed youth are fatherless), drug abuse, homelessness (90% of runaway children have an absent father), a 40 times higher risk of sexual abuse and 100 times higher risk of fatal abuse.'
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THIS IS BUNK they atre going to regulate the win thru research..
“To identify best practices and promising programs in this area, the Obama Administration, through the Department of Health and Human Services, will award grants in 2012 for child support pilot projects that explore innovative strategies for creating parenting time opportunities, while safeguarding against family violence. These Special Improvement Project grants will provide $1.2 million over the next four years for child support agencies to pilot strategies to develop, implement, and evaluate service delivery models establishing parenting time orders along with child support order."
now that fathers have rights they are going to spend a ton of money having child services research how they should be implemented? WTF???? Those are some of the most radical feminists i know who work in there guys wont get a fair shake from them,,, ever......
all the stat's in the world
showing all the damage these feminists are doing to our children w/ their progressive ideas won't hold a candle to the one stat that really matters to these people who control our children. that's the secret stat showing how much $$$$ every divorce lawyer and feminist/woman stands to make when the courthouse churns out destroyed marriage after destroyed marriage. taking men to the cleaners is the reason for the divorce season in this country. just as the abortion $$$ game is the real driver behind the horrendous number of abortions of all types, so is the divorce game controlled by the $$$ made by women and lawyers in divorce court. so don't expect anything from these people amounting to a hill of beans. they are lawyers and liars. the truth is not in them.