SAVE: Tell Congress: We Must Prosecute Wanetta Gibson and all False Rape Accusers

Brian Banks, a star high school football player, was falsely accused of rape by a female acquaintance. Banks served five years in prison and was required to register as a sex offender. The accuser received a $1.5 million settlement from the school.

Last year, Banks logged onto Facebook and had a friend request from his accuser, Wanetta Gibson!

Private investigator Freddie Parish hid two cameras to record statements by Gibson when she met with Banks in the investigator's office. "Did he rape you?," asked Parish. "No," Gibson said, "he did not rape me." "All that money they gave us, I mean gave me, I don't want to have to pay it back, all of it, because that would take a long time," Gibson said on camera.

See the video:

A judge overturned Banks' conviction. One month later, Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) is charging Los Angeles County prosecutors with unacceptable delay in filing perjury charges against Gibson. A vigorous prosecution of Gibson is critical to restoring the credibility of true rape victims.

Tell your Representatives to insist that Los Angeles County prosecutors file perjury charges against Wanetta Gibson, right NOW!

Find your representatives here:



Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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If this guy spent five years in jail then that woman should be locked up for life or just strait out shot to death in the street, although I think simple execution to light a penalty for this kind of monster.

Ahahaha WHAT THE FUCK!?!?! So this guy is falsely convicted and she gets off totally free? FUCK THAT!

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