Three Biggest Fears for Raising Boys Today
Article here. Excerpt:
'Attorney, TV legal analyst, and author Lisa Bloom is out with her new critically-acclaimed book "Swagger: 10 Urgent Rules for Raising Boys in an Era of Failing Schools, Mass Joblessness, and Thug Culture" and she's here to give a wake-up call to parents raising young boys. From failing schools to an economy of incarceration, Lisa explains the major threats hindering our boys ability to succeed in today's world and offers up real solutions to these urgent issues.
In Lisa's words:
"At this very moment, through no fault of their own, our boys are caught in the vortex of four powerful, insidious, often invisible forces that conspire to rob them of their future. First, our heartbreakingly subpar schools. ... At even the best schools our kids graduate without knowing the basics of US history or the rudiments of science. Our kids already enjoy some of the shortest school days and school years in the developed world. And now we are witnessing a new sickening trend: in over one hundred counties in America, state budget cuts have pared the school week down to only four days. Hooray! An extra day every week to watch Fear Factor and play Xbox!"'
From the Amazon.com book description:
'From Swagger: "At this very moment, through no fault of their own, our boys are caught in the vortex of four powerful, insidious, often invisible forces which conspire to rob them of their future." We medicate, discipline, suspend and expel our boys from school at quadruple the rate of girls. We let double the number of boys drop out of high school than girls, and of those boys who do graduate, they are far more likely than their sisters to be illiterate, to fail to go to college, or to drop out of college if they do go. Young American men are unemployed at the rate of their counterparts in Arab Spring countries. Pop culture hammers our boys with the message that manhood equals emotional numbness, gun violence, rape, and drug use. And we incarcerate more of our boys and men than any other country on earth, now or in human history.'
And get this, according to the Amazon.com entry, she is Gloria Allred's daughter!
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