Spurned lover who attempted to bite off lover's penis during row is given two-year restraining order

Story here. Excerpt:

'A spurned lover has been handed a two year restraining order after she was convicted of assaulting her partner - by biting his penis during a furious row.

Vicious Sinead Walker, 40, grabbed hold of Vincent Rennoldson’s manhood and tried to 'pull it off' when he angrily ordered her out of his flat.

The drunken mum-of-one who had downed an entire bottle of wine before going round to apologise for a previous bust-up - then sunk her teeth into his private parts.'

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Of course, the female perpetrator gets no jail time. A man who did something comparable to a woman would be looking at many years behind bars. Sigh, just another pussy pass. It has now been over a year since Catherine Becker cut off her husband's penis. Still no word of any jail time for her...

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In England, Ched Evans was sentenced to 5 years bc a woman he had sex with while drunk claimed after the fact it was unconsentual. Just like Maria Topp (a woman who also bit her lover's genitals), this woman got no jail time for what she did, even though she mutilated a man's genitals. Great Britain isn't even trying to hide their misandry anymore.

A woman decides sleeping with a man wasn't best choice = he is sent to prison for 5 years

A woman mutilates a man's genitals = woman walks free

WTF?!!!!! What deterrent currently exists to prevent men from having their privates bitten by their wives or gfs? None at all.. that's what. Sigh.

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several guys agreeing w/ the britfem's about closing the women's prisons. might as well, they aren't going to put any women in any of them.

imho, if the powers that be are true to form, they will just pass some more men only laws and use the 'extra prisons' for men. that's the attidude that has gotten us to where we are today. man bad/woman good.

speaking of brit humor, i was wondering why the series "coupling" didn't run longer? that was some funny stuff. kinda like a slightly off color "friends". one of the guy's huge dong caused some strange and funny humor. i hurt myself laughing at that funeral. what was the name they called that 'humor at the wrong time' problem? the explanation in the bar using the glasses was hilarious. i don't think i have only talked to one or two Americans who had ever seen any of it. hmmmm?$$$?

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It's funny you say that bc in one episode of Coupling, Susan accidentally bites Steve's penis while giving him oral sex while he's asleep (taking advantage of him). While I agree that Coupling was a decent show aside from scenes like that, it's interesting that male suffering is so commonly used as humour that even in a show you casually refer to, it can almost always be found.

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