Exposing Feminism: The Thirty Years’ War Against Men

Sample chapters from Swayne O’Pie’s Exposing Feminism: The Thirty Years’ War Against Men

This book has just been published (11 June 2012) internationally, in both paperback and ebook editions (Kindle only). The Kindle edition is downloadable onto PCs and Macs using free-to-download software from Amazon. It’s also downloadable onto some e-readers in addition to the Kindle device. The content of the UK paperback edition, which has the title Why Britain Hates Men: Exposing Feminism is virtually identical.

The book has 53 chapters, and the following material is being made freely available (also available here) in this download:

Author’s Note
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Cultural Misandry: The Widespread Disrespect for Men
Chapter 2 – Why Would Anyone Want to Disagree with Feminism?
Chapter 9 – Who Are These Women Who Make the World Worse for Men?
Chapter 15 – For Feminism Success Will Never be Enough: ‘Forever’ Feminism
Chapter 20 – Feminism and Women’s Choices
Chapter 26 – Women Choose Low Pay and Low Status
Chapter 39 – Top Jobs for the Sisters: Can Positive Discrimination be Justified?

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Norton antivirus gave me a virus warning when I clicked on the first link. It wasn't there originally. I wonder if it's some sort of deliberate attack by those who don't like the book.

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