New Law Creates Felony for Domestic Assault in MA

CJ submitted this story and writes "It's a slippery slope in MA for people accused of domestic violence. It is now a felony for aggravated assault, which sounds like a good idea, but in MA there are so many laws that view domestic issues in a 'a priori' (before the facts) manner that I feel that this is one step closer to martial law and will be used as new weapon to wreck havoc with men's freedom. Jane Swift is shameless in her attempts to stay in office... how long now before a shove turns into aggravated assault is in the eye of the vindictive family courts that are over-run with radical feminists."Source: The Boston Globe [newspaper]

Title: New law creates felony for aggravated assault

Author: Unknown [AP article]

Date: March 4, 2002

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