A Father's Day plea -- let's stop anonymous sperm donations

Article here. Excerpt:

'We are just a few days away from Father's Day 2012. On Sunday, June 17, Americans will celebrate the value of fatherhood.

Yet, without seemingly having given it much thought to it at all, our society now allows millions of men and women to create children who will never know their biological fathers. That's because we sanction allowing men and women to purchase sperm from anonymous donors. These donors will forever be shielded from having their identities discovered by their sons and daughters.

This policy inherently presupposes that bearing children who have no opportunity to know their biological fathers does not deprive them of anything that is inherently theirs--as a fundamental human right.'

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There have also been cases of half-siblings fathered by the same anonymous sperm donor who married and subsequently found out they were siblings.

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