Swedish Left Party Chapter Wants To Make Urinating While Standing Illegal For Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Male representatives on the Sormland County Council in Sweden should sit rather than stand while urinating in office restrooms, according to a motion advanced by the local Left Party.

Known as a socialist and feminist organization, the party claims that seated urination is more hygienic for men -- the practice decreases the likelihood of puddles and other unwanted residue forming in the stall -- in addition to being better for a man's health by more effectively emptying one's bladder, The Local reported.'

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Next time I get a chance, I am going to stand, hold my fucking cock in my hand, and piss all over something beautiful. I don't fucking sit down to pee. Maybe we should have a mens protest where we all pull out our dicks and start pissing on feminist books, all over the world, all at the same time.

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if the law passed I'd make sure I pissed all over any stool where it was required to sit down. The next person to use that facility would certainly get the message.

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