Silverthorne Clinic still performing neonatal circumcisions

With reference to this petition, MANN admins received the following:

'Hey, everyone. Thanks for signing. We reached our goal of 500 signatures and then some thanks to you.

Unfortunately, Silverthorne Clinic is not responding so, I'm asking you to send them an email (, write them a letter (265 Tanglewood Lane Ste E-1, Silverthorne, CO 80498), or call them (970.468.1003) to let them know that you want them to stop performing infant circumcision. Thank you for your continued support.'

Remember, please be polite and avoid any nastiness regardless of how you contact them. Just let them know you are aware of the effort to petition them to stop performing routine neonatal circumcisions, that you support it, and you want them to stop doing it. That's all.

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