RFK Jr. calls Mary Kennedy abusive in court papers

Article here. Excerpt:

'NEW YORK (AP) — Robert F. Kennedy Jr. accused his estranged wife, Mary, of abusing his children from an earlier marriage, including stealing items from his young daughter, showing up uninvited on trips he took after they separated and sometimes calling him dozens of times a day, according to a legal filing revealed Sunday.

Mary Kennedy killed herself last month at the family's estate in Bedford, N.Y. Robert Kennedy filed for divorce two years ago, and the case was pending when she died. The couple married in 1994 and had four children together.

Portions of a confidential affidavit filed in 2011 in the divorce case were posted online by The Daily Beast (http://bit.ly/LCcOY4 ) as part of a cover story in Newsweek magazine on newsstands Monday about Mary Kennedy that was written by Kennedy family biographer Laurence Leamer. A spokesman for the site declined to comment on how the affidavit was obtained.'

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I feel sorry for Mary Kennedy and of course everyone touched by her suicide. Obviously she had serious psychiatric problems. The issue here is that all too often when a woman is acting abusively toward others, people are a lot faster to accept her psychiatric problems as a rationale for her behavior and give it a pass if not insist that it be the basis for tolerating her behavior. If a man with psychiatric problems behaves abusively toward others, he rarely gets such consideration. Fairness demands that the same behavior coming from two different classes of people not be rationalized or judged based on their indelible characteristics; the behavior in question in this case is either abusive and that's that, or it's a symptom of psychiatric problems and needs to be handled that way. You can't have it one way for boys and another way for girls, though at the moment, that is how it is.

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when a man kills somebody, its called murder and he is prosecuted and processed through the system.

when a woman kills somebody, its called a psychiatric problem and she goes to a mental hospital with the possibility of eventually getting out.

they think men are too stupid to notice this.

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