'A Good Day for Women’s Equality'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The National Organization for Women is pretending that the failure of the Paycheck Fairness Act in the Senate is a big blow to women.

It’s not: This bill would have encouraged more class-action lawsuits and made workplaces less flexible and efficient by encouraging the adoption of one-size-fits-all compensation practices. Trial lawyers would have been the only real beneficiaries of the Paycheck Fairness Act’s new legal regime. Women who want more job opportunities and greater flexibility should welcome the bill’s defeat.
Of course, this didn’t stop the National Organization for Women from repeating the tired line, “It is unacceptable that women are still paid, on average, 77 cents for every dollar paid to men,” with the clear — and misleading — suggestion that this gap is driven by discrimination. Yet certainly the Washington Post’s exposé on the statistic is a step in the right direction.'

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If feminists ever got off their lazy butts and worked as hard and long as men, they'd earn what men earn. But hey, why work when you can institute a government scam (comparable worth) that will pay just as much.

Men Earn Every Penny

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I have never thought of women earning less as a result of laziness. I have always thought of it as putting children's needs and husband's career first. One parent has to stay home when kids are sick, take kids to dr. appointments, attend school conferences, drop off/pick up kids at daycare, be home when the kids get home, make dinner, etc. Pregnancy and child birth also influence women's ability to work.

My family owns a business of about 200 employees. I worked there alot as a teenager and since my dad has made all of his kids partners, I still have a slight role in things. Off the top of my head, I would say that the average female employee stays with us about 2 years and I don't think we have ever had a female work more than 7 years. They either leave to have children or relocate for the sake of their husband's career. However male employees stay much longer and some have been with us for over 30 years. They are more willing to travel and work overtime. They either don't have children in their home or they have a wife to handle the children's needs.

I am glad this fair paycheck thing did not pass. However, I am disappointed to see women honestly believe there is a conspiracy to cheat them. Some of my friends are even jumping on the war of women mantra. I fear Obama is going to ride this all the way to his re-election...sigh.

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