On Child Support and Abortion
Article here. Excerpt:
'However, in Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled that the rights of the individual living mother outweighed the rights of the unborn child, and therefore made abortion legal. In doing so, and considering the arguments of both sides it attempted to address individual rights but the SCOTUS failed to take into the consideration the legal implications and the rights of the father.
A woman has complete and utter control over her own body—this much has been established by Roe vs. Wade and other rulings. Yet, what about the man? Does he not have any rights over his own body? Should a woman choose to bring to term a child that may not be wanted by his father, the father is nevertheless legally and financially bound by that decision. It is a well-established legal concept that a man must provide financial support for the child that was mutually conceived but solely brought to term by another person’s (the woman) decision.
As such, the Roe vs. Wade decision has effectively made one member of society an economic slave to another person’s decision.'
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Oh, you mean men have the property and civil rights of medieval Russian serfs in the family court racket? Surprised me.....NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But the real contradiction is that men mostly are the ones dying almost every week in the Middle East to keep the sorry racket going. Slaves defending their master's plantation! Go figure.
I think as American males (especially middle-class, white males), we have to wake up to the fact that our own government is waging a psychological war against us. It is like a consciousness war. Depriving us of our reproductive rights is just one aspect of it. They also drown us in drugs, booze, pornography, and other evils, and then if we fall prey to these forces they blame us individually. The purpose is to criminalize us and make us out to be the problem, the "privileged white male," driving around in his bright white sports-car, harassing, raping, and otherwise terrorizing the poor, perpetual victims (women). Coercing away our rights to be fathers is just one aspect of this consciousness war against the American male. God forbid we should want to have children.
Men don't have the right to have children
Roe v Wade took away men's right to have children. Now only women have the right to have children. It's her decision. Men also have no right to say no to having children. We've got one "right": finance the decisions made by women.
This is all part of "planned parenthood"--which really means "planned motherhood." And making every child a "wanted" child--which means wanted by mom. Men have no say in this.
This situation will eventually come to a head, especially as women take over more and more of the job market. Men won't be able to fulfill their financial obligations--or even support themselves. You can't solve that problem with bigger jails.
Men who run out on their children for no good reason, are stigmatized and rightly so. Any woman who aborts her child just because she doesn't want to be a mom, is just as bad, if not worse. She's abandoning her child for convenience sake, on top of denying it the right to live.
It really is a heads, they win, tails, we lose situation in this regard. I agree with the article. Either force both parents to take care of their kids, or allow them both the option of relinquishing their rights and responsibilities as parents.