House defeats bill to ban gender-based abortions

Article here. It appears these lawmakers are more outraged about the prospect of aborting a girl. I would like to think anyone who considers themselves pro-life would be equally concerned about both genders. Excerpt:

'A bill that would ban sex-selective abortions failed to muster enough support to pass the House Thursday following a contentious debate.

The final vote was 246-168. Though a majority voted in favor of the bill, this particular proposal required a two-thirds majority to pass -- supporters of the bill fell 30 votes short.

The proposal would have made it a federal crime to carry out an abortion based on the gender of the fetus. The measure takes aim at the aborting of female fetuses, a practice more common to countries such India and China, where there is a strong preference for sons, but which is also thought to take place in the U.S.'

Relatedly: Couple Aborts Twin Boys Because They Want a Girl Using IVF

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"there has never been a more pro-abortion president in the White House ... I'm astonished the leader of the free world would fail to protect the unborn from being aborted on the basis of sex."

He's a supporter of abortion. Period. He'd never support a bill which would undermine a woman's right to choose.

Ironically, I think this bill was simply an attempt to make it illegal to abort female fetuses, but perfectly legal to abort males. F**king radfems...

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someone managed to wake him up long enough to be on record as the only one to vote to not allow compassionate medical care be given to survivors/children of botched abortions.

a bit deranged imho.

they should have just left him alone to vote present as usual.

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