Study: Women seek 'providers'
Article here. There isn't much new in terms of ideas in this article. I think it's been known for quite a long time. The main reason I am posting this is to point out the graphics that go along with the article. Seems not even a relatively even-handed (though decidedly sexist in all directions) report regarding relations between the sexes can't be delivered without some form of male-bashing. Anyway, here's an excerpt:
'Confident and cocky, alpha males might have you believe that they could win the heart of any woman they want.
But when it comes to finding a mate, women are actually hardwired to go for a meeker, less macho chap who is a good provider, a study suggests.
American researchers have looked into the reasons why humans developed the two-parent nuclear family.
Our primitive ancestors would have inherited the social structure of the apes – a sexual free-for-all with males fighting each other for mating rights.'
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Old hat
I have posted before ..I believe in layman's terms that females of the stone age used to give their "favors" to the male that dragged in the most meat...This was for the survival for her and her brood. I also believe this was the roots of prostitution. I think that this was so common that it is now in the female gene pool.....This along with choosing a mate that the female instinctively subconsciously senses has good genes,for her offspring's....This I believe is all natural,and necessary for the survival of our species. However I also think that with some females this "instinct" has mutated into something different,and the choosing the mate process is nothing more then "what's in it for me" and how they can "use" the male. This is of course is nothing new and the "gold digger" mentality has also been around since the dawn of humanity.
Blah Blah Blah
I find that the article has a funny tone. It's like they're saying "women, for selfish reasons, started choosing men who provide over men who look good, and it's thanks to them the family unit was started". What hogwash! It takes two to make a family, and the provider is just as, if not more important in its formation. How ironic, though, that it is pro-women groups that are destroying the family unit.
Matt also has a very valid point about the graphic to the right of the story, which promotes violence against men.
I always seem too late for
I always seem too late for the article comments section for mail online. I wanted to make some sarcastic, off the cuff remark about how the idea women had a say in their mates in the past doesn't jive with feminist theory, that according to them, women just got picked and married and raped without a voice in the who affair. To suggest women actually did the choosing of mates would suggest they had far more agency than feminists have given them credit for.