Men’s wages still not back on track after recession

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON — Men continue to take a bigger hit in their paychecks than women because of lingering effects of the recession, according to a study by the Conference Board.

Average wages for women remain lower than those for their male counterparts, by nearly 20 percent. But men’s wages have been much slower to rebound from the effects of the recession, which had its most severe effects on male-dominated industries, such as construction, the study found.

Although the recession technically ended in 2009, men’s wage growth had rebounded to half the average rate of the previous decade by last year. Meanwhile, the growth in wages for women had almost fully recovered, the study said.

The findings came as the Obama administration has sparred with the campaign of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in recent weeks about which gender has suffered more in the down economy.

Romney said that 92 percent of the jobs lost since Obama took office were held by women. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner called the claim ridiculous. The nonpartisan fact-checking group Politifact has rated Romney’s statistic as “mostly false.”

The Conference Board study didn’t break down job losses by gender. But it said a reason for the difference in wage growth is that the recession’s effects were felt hardest in sectors such as construction and housing, where jobs are largely held by men.'

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