F&F: Don’t Grill the Hot Dog That Grills Dads

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Oscar Mayer ad campaign is “everything a man could wish for. The wife in the series is smart, energetic, decisive, sensible and cute, and she finally says ‘Yes.’ Unfortunately, when she finally says ‘Yes,’ it’s not what you might hope for; it’s for Oscar Mayer hot dogs for dinner,” said Ned Holstein, MD, MS, Founder and Chair, Fathers and Families.

He continued, “And here’s an advance warning: the Dad is everything you have come to expect from television dads: infantile, inept, narcissistic, befuddled, sloppy and balding, stupid, insecure, and timidly subservient to his wife. I envy the skill that Hollywood and Madison Avenue bring to their work; it takes something near genius to convey all that in a 30 second spot. But they manage to do it.”'

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