Wendy McElroy Examines The Wage Gap Myth

Wendy McElroy this week in her Fox News column tackles the most recent outbreak of the wage gap myth, and rightly criticizes media which latched onto the statistics as an indicator that women are facing sexism in salary. But National Review columnist Betsy Hart took the time to examine the study commissioned by Reps. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., and John Dingell, D-MI. She found it to be a "biased and highly-emotionalized reinterpretation" that the "creative" staff of Maloney and Dingell had imposed upon otherwise straightforward data. In this column, McElroy also quotes Hart's interview with Maloney, who shockingly admits her interpretation of the data was a deceit designed to keep the "right" from stopping money on such studies. McElroy explains the importance of examining statistics (especially as reported by the media) and not blindly accepting them as fact.

Source: Fox News [Web site]

Title: Reading Between the Numbers

Author: Wendy McElroy

Date: February 18, 2002

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