More Men Enter Fields Dominated by Women
Article here. Excerpt:
'Mr. Alquicira, 21, graduated from high school in a desolate job market, one in which the traditional opportunities, like construction and manufacturing, for young men without a college degree had dried up. After career counselors told him that medical fields were growing, he borrowed money for an eight-month training course. Since then, he has had no trouble finding jobs that pay $12 or $13 an hour.
He gave little thought to the fact that more than 90 percent of dental assistants and hygienists are women. But then, young men like Mr. Alquicira have come of age in a world of inverted expectations, where women far outpace men in earning degrees and tend to hold jobs that have turned out to be, by and large, more stable, more difficult to outsource, and more likely to grow.
“The way I look at it,” Mr. Alquicira explained, without a hint of awareness that he was turning the tables on a time-honored feminist creed, “is that anything, basically, that a woman can do, a guy can do.”'
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if i could do it all over again
knowing what i know now, i would have taken typing and home economics in high school. typing, for obvious (computer growth) reasons, and home ec. because that's where a lot of hot chicks hung out.
guys going into nursing and other female dominated fields may be pretty smart. let's just hope we can soon dispense with affirmative action and handouts to special groups, so all people can pursue their dream on a level playing field. we don't need special stuff anymore, and it leads to corruption by the very nature of the beast.