Violence Against Women Bill Fails to Address Fraud

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Senate is poised to consider S. 1925 this week, the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Despite the law’s good intentions, more recent reauthorizations—including the bill before the Senate—are seriously flawed and veer away from the legislation’s original goals of protecting vulnerable women.

As Heritage research fellow David Muhlhausen and Independent Women’s Forum visiting fellow Christina Villegas explain in a recent Heritage Backgrounder, the problems with S. 1925 are significant. In addition to broadening the classes of covered victims to include men and prisoners and expanding existing, duplicative programs, S. 1925 fails to rectify VAWA’s inadequate accountability measures—while increasing direct spending by more than $100 million.

As recent investigations by the Department of Justice (DOJ) have revealed, disturbing instances of fraud and embezzlement of some Office on Violence Against Women grants have marred the original law’s intentions. ...'

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This bill is nothing more than feminist pork. Its ironic, feminist groups want HUGE government but when it comes time to audit the billions they get in tax dollars, they don't want any government intrusion.

Domestic Violence shelters: I know a woman who works as a social worker for a non profit agency who regularly deals with women who live in DV shelters. According to her, many of these women have never dealt with domestic violence. Often, they have no where to live because of drugs and alcohol and they know a DV shelter is much nicer than living in a homeless shelter. All they have to do is tell an intake counselor they feel 'threatened' by a man. Proof is never required. She also tells me women are often kicked out of these DV shelters because of drugs, fighting, and stealing. I should also mention the women who work at these shelters treat the residents like shit.

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"Proof is never required."
What's worst, Mankind international (a non-profit in the UK for abused men, NOT government funded, entirely private funding) was chased after by feminists groups demanding government make them apply strict entry investigations to prove they were victims. The hypocrisy is deafening sometimes.

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