VAWA’s Mandatory Arrest Policies: Unconstitutional, Wasteful . . . and Lethal
Article here. Excerpt:
'Republicans are NOT waging a “war on women,” but the Democrats are definitely waging a “war on men.” Case in point is the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).
First passed during the Clinton Administration, VAWA is now up for reauthorization. Democrats in the House of Representatives have presented their version of the VAWA reauthorization – H.R. 4271. No surprise. It’s loaded with expensive new programs based on radical feminist ideology.
The problem with mandatory arrest policies is they silence victims and keep them from calling the police for help. As a result, mandatory arrest policies have resulted in a 60% increase in partner homicides — according to a Harvard University study. All this at a cost of $25 million in taxpayer money.
The radical feminists like mandatory arrest — throw more men in jail, break up families, and push children deeper into the cycle of welfare dependency.'
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