'Stop catering to feminist minority'
Article here. Excerpt:
'It is time for rational American women to repudiate the propaganda and indoctrination by the fanatical feminist fringe in this country, who dictate policy to our anemic legislators in Washington. I resent these radical groups' claims that they represent the demands of the majority of American women. These groups are responsible for the wussification of America by demonizing the role of men in our society.
They have convinced too many women that fathers are not necessary to raise children, contrary to studies that show the overwhelming cause of poverty and incarceration of young men in the U.S. stems from so many families headed by single mothers. For at least three decades, we have heard the incessant claims that women are capable, intelligent, independent, stronger and better than men.
However, when promoting feminist issues, these groups revel in hypocrisy by then claiming that women are weak, vulnerable and exploited victims.'
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