SAVE: Tell Your Representative, Vote YES on HR4970
Like I told you last week, in politics, some people will say anything to win. I know this, but I'm still floored by all of the misinformation being published about HR4970. Maybe they are blindly believing members of the domestic violence industry.
Recent fundraising emails from major VAWA-funded organizations are the worst offenders. Even though the GAO and the DOJ found misuse of funds and fraud, these organizations are fighting against accountability. And they're doing this by misrepresenting how HR4970 will affect the LGBT community.
What they don't say, is that HR4970 is the only VAWA that removes all discrimination, the only VAWA that allows service providers to open shelters for men who are abused (40% of all injured victims!). If we, as a society, are going to claim to want to help every victim, shouldn't that include heterosexual men?
Let's not let them get away with this smoke and mirrors trick.
So, whether you want abused men to have services, or whether you want your tax dollars spent correctly, please contact your Representative and ask them to vote YES on HR4970.
Please call the Capitol Hill Switchboard: 202.224.3121. Tell the operator your zip code and ask to be connected to your Representative's office. Or find their phone number here: http://www.house.gov/representatives/find
Tell your Representative to vote YES on HR 4970.
We can do this! You, me, and all of our friends. Share this e-lert with your social media network today!
Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
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strange to me
on the one hand, the liberals want to acknowledge gay marriage as being the right thing to do because it promotes equality before the law. we have been listening to this for a week non-stop in the media.
otoh, v.a.w.a. disregards the needs of 1/2 of the adult population (men get zero support) and their children. the lefties trivializes fathers and husbands lack of ANY support, while they are just trying to get fair treatment and protection from d.v., and of course gain equality before the law.
lib's/feminists insist they have the high ground, while at the same time standing on men's necks to silence them. they continue to insist that $0.00, out of the billion$ spent, go to help men. sounds fair to me?????
h y p o c r i s y - thy name is progressive