BBC News - "Just who are men's rights activists?"

Via email from Marc A.:

BBC News is way ahead of CNN. They have covered the truth about domestic violence, covering the issue of battered men, the coverup of the actual research, discrimination against male DV victims, the myth about the "pay gap," and much more. Here, they briefly cover the men's rights movement and even list NCFM as a notable organization. It's amazing the difference between BBC News and CNN. BBC News looks more like 60 Minutes while CNN looks more like TMZ or Extra. This is progress, and there will be more, no matter how much feminist groups try to smear the men's rights movement. Discrimination against men is real, institutionalized, systematic, and susbstantial. And that will increasingly become known. We have made tremendous progress and will continue to. Good job everyone.

'An increasingly vocal men's movement argues that anti-male discrimination is rife. Who are the activists and what do they want?

Feminists have spent decades trying to get equal pay and rights for women.

But while, in the West at least, discrimination against women is rigorously challenged, a growing band of men's rights activists say no such protection is afforded to men.

Many of these activists also believe that the media allow women to objectify and ridicule men in a way that would be unthinkable if the gender roles were reversed.'

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