Boy field hockey star kicked off girls' team for being 'too good'
Submitted by anthony on Thu, 2012-04-26 15:43
Article here. Excerpt:
'The attorney for a 13-year-old Long Island boy who was kicked off his high school’s girls’ field hockey team for being too dominant says his client will most likely be reinstated.
"We are confident that a court will see the discrimination in this case," Frank Scagluso, the attorney for Keeling Pilaro said.
Scagluso said Keeling has support from his school district, other coaches and players in the league and that he has not heard any criticism about the boy’s participation in games.
Keeling, who played for Southampton High School's varsity girls' field hockey team for the past two years, was told he could no longer play next year after becoming the team's star.'
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