Letter: Women should not have the only voice in abortion decision

Letter here.

'Recently a letter to the editor suggested that men should not be part of the abortion debate.

I still can't quite process that.

It takes a man and a woman to create a child. With that in mind, if the pregnant woman, the mother, is considering abortion the man, that is, the father, should have a say in the consideration.

If the pregnant woman decides to bear the child, the man may be expected to pay child support for a number of years.

Today it is the pregnant woman, who decides whether the fetus is a human being; whether the fetus will live or die; and whether the father will be expected to pay child support if the woman decides to bear the child.

Something is wrong with this picture. I know I am not the only person to see that.'

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What you are referring to is called true equality. What we are suffering under is something else entirely. There are Women that happen to agree with equality, but they are few and far apart at this time as most are unwilling to give up their privilege.

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