SAVE: Memo to Joe Biden: Stop the DV Lies

On Wed., April 18, Vice President Joe Biden was broadcast live via streaming video on the White House website to promote the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) (S. 1925). Biden has let us down in the past when it comes to recognizing all victims of DV, but I remained hopeful.

I watched, and counted, to see if the VP would acknowledge male victims. These men, known as the "hidden side of domestic violence" are the hidden half of DV.

I wish I could tell you that things have improved. I wanted so badly to tell you that abused men have finally gotten the recognition and respect they deserve, that now they will truly be helped.

But, I can't.

The only time the Vice Pres. mentioned men was when he described perpetrators of intimate partner homicide and honor killings, perpetrators of physical, financial and mental abuse, and perpetrators of rape and stalking. He talked about boys, but only to say that we should teach men and boys not to abuse women and girls.

This is outrageously unacceptable. Pres. Obama asked for evidence based solutions. So why is the Vice President completely ignoring the evidence when it comes to domestic violence?

Call the White House right now, and express your disgust:(202) 456-1414. Tell VP Joe Biden,"Take the blinders off and tell the whole truth about domestic violence!"

Please, don't wait. Call right now: (202) 456-1414

Thank you, on behalf of male victims everywhere.

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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It obvious to me why Biden is doing this....he's pandering for the vote,and nothing else.Their strategy is to "use" women by making them think that this administration is on their side. They first fabricated the "war on women" crap to get the "hooks out" of tens of million's of women,against the republicans,so they can come to their rescue.This is all a calculated and contrived plot to win the votes of women....and it's working,.. at least to some extent.In my opinion Biden,Obama,and the rest, could care less about the DV issue,and their only concern is the vote,and their own interests,disgusting to say the least

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