UNCW hosts event to combat violence against women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Local agencies are teaming up this weekend to host a free program for all coaches throughout southeastern North Carolina, in an effort to prevent sexual assault and violence against women.

Wilmington’s Verizon Wireless is partnering with the UNCW Athletics department and Domestic Violence Shelter and Services to hold “A Call to Coaches” on Sunday, April 15 from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at UNCW’s Trask Coliseum.

“Well-meaning men are generally unaware how their everyday attitudes, beliefs and language create a culture that empowers men -- at a great cost to women,” said Rick Houston, prevention specialist with the Domestic Violence Shelter and Services. “While they don’t personally perpetrate violence against women and girls, many accommodate and accept male domination in small ways every day and in so doing, support a culture in which unhealthy relationships and violence against women thrive."'

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The irony of the last paragraph of the above excerpt, where he chastises men for supposedly empowering men, accommodating and accepting "male domination", is in fact doing just the same for women. By framing abuse as male domination, and nothing more, he denies female abuse and excuses any behaviour that should be deemed abusive as not male domination, thus supporting a culture in which unhealthy relationships and violence against men thrive.

And of course, the DV industry is learning not to post their vitriol on sites with comment sections, so we can't actually point out his hypocrisy.

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