Young Women Who Drink and Drive at Higher Risk of Fatal Accident

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'Young women who drink and drive in the United States are at increasing risk for being in a fatal accident, according to a new study.

Although men had roughly double the risk for a fatal crash as women with the same blood-alcohol level in 1996, that gender gap had closed by 2007, the researchers pointed out. And although reasons for that trend remain unclear, they said it may be because young women are taking more risks on the road.

"Young women who drink and drive may be behaving more like young men who drink and drive," said the study's lead researcher, Robert Voas, of the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation in Calverton, Md., in a news release from the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.
The researchers concluded drunk-driving and distracted-driving prevention education is needed for both boys and girls.'

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