'Boys deserve respect'
Article here. Excerpt:
'Here is what my son learned in class the other day. A man's mind tends to be slightly less developed than a woman's.
Which is one of the reasons men are more aggressive and less understanding, and women are gentler, calmer and more sympathetic. This, his teacher very helpfully explained, is one of the reasons teenage boys are still paying more for their car insurance than girls. Because boys are risk-takers. Irrational beings who leap before they look. They deserve to pay higher premiums on their insurance because as we now know, they are the ones who get in all of the car accidents. Not girls. Of course. They deserve to be judged as a whole.
And boys? Well, now we know what is lying in wait beneath their skin. Vicious, snapping beasts who want nothing more than to raid your fridge, crash your car and ravage your daughter. They can't help it, of course. It's in their physical make-up. Perhaps if we could find them an outlet befitting all that natural rage and ugly testosterone. Like . . . like a yearly wild boar hunt! Yes! We could send all of our young men into the wild in nothing more than a loin cloth. Have them fashion their own spears and set them amongst some wild boars. A little boys getaway, Lord Of The Flies style.
Then maybe we could tame them. Teach them how to be more civilized. Although apparently their brains are sort of underdeveloped so maybe they won't get the point. We have tried a variety of media in recent decades to help them understand and repress their inner animal. I thought the male-bashing, embarrassingly one-sided sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond would do the trick. If not, then maybe King of Queens. Although this generation of boys is probably too young for those shows. How about the Disney channel, and their penchant for strong-willed, sarcastic girls in bright clothing loudly berating their dim-witted brothers? Shows like Wizards of Waverly Place or Hannah Montana or ICarly?
This isn't empowerment. Pushing someone else down isn't the only way to lift yourself up. It's a temporary solution that has never worked in the past. It's wrong, plain and simple. And it isn't what any of us should want for our sons. Maybe it's time we speak up.'
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