F&F: Call Shared Parenting Legislation Sponsors

Article here (scroll to about half-way down the page). Excerpt:

'At least 30% of Massachusetts representatives and senators are currently sponsors of proposed shared parenting legislation. If you live in their district, please call them or email their office.

First, thank them for backing the one solution that prominent and respected experts in child development have shown through research that children ardently desire; makes them happier; improves their schooling; decreases delinquency, gang violence and trouble with the law; decreases substance abuse and teen pregnancy; increases child support compliance; diminishes parental conflict and domestic violence; and has been endorsed by 86% of Massachusetts voters in a 2004 ballot referendum. It is not only free to the taxpayer, but would actually save millions of dollars.

Second, ask them to encourage the appointment of a shared parenting task force. Ask them to contact the Judiciary Committee’s Chairs, Senator Cynthia Stone Creem and Representative Eugene L. O’Flaherty, and urge them to appoint a Shared Parenting Task Force.
Find your legislator or call 617.722.2000 to reach their office.

(List follows on target page)

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