Two teachers caught taunting disabled boy

Report here. Cruelty as you can see is an equal opportunity employer. As sad as this is, I have heard of much worse, and the perps have come from both sets of the sexes. I can't help but think they would have been a lot slower to act this way had the child been female. Excerpt:

'wo Alabama teachers were caught cruelly taunting and abusing a 10-year-old boy who has celebral palsy after the boy’s mother attached an audio recorder to his wheelchair.

The shocking recording captures two voices chiding Jose Salinas for his ‘disgusting’ drooling and reveals he was left alone with no instruction for long periods of time.

'Why is my paper wet?' a female teacher is heard demanding on the tape. 'Look at me and answer. That's not an answer. That's not even a word.'
'Do you seen anybody else at this table drooling? Then, stop,' she said. 'You have got drool all over your face and it is gross.'

The teachers accused, Drew Faircloth and Alicia Brown, have been put on administrative leave from Wicksburg High School, Alabama, where Jose is in the fourth grade.'

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