President Obama on Title IX's impact

Article here. Excerpt:

'Question from Andy Katz: Well, Mr. President, it is going to be the 40th anniversary of Title IX [on June 23]. What is the impact of that legislation on society in America?

Answer from President Obama: I am a huge believer that sports ends up being good for kids, and especially good for girls. It gives them confidence, it gives them a sense of what it means to compete. Studies show that girls who are involved in athletics often do better in school; they are more confident in terms of dealing with boys. And, so, for those of us who grew up just as Title IX was taking off, to see the development of women's role models in sports, and for girls to know they excelled in something, there would be a spot for them in college where they weren't second-class, I think has helped to make our society more equal in general.'

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