Portraying Men As Stupid to Undermine Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's a truism in feminist circles that no one hates men more than anti-feminists, and it's a truism two recent items from the notoriously anti-feminist conservative rag Daily Mail demonstrate neatly. The Daily Mail has a tendency to portray men as hapless dogs who, being more beast than human, can no more be expected to respect women's rights than Sparky can be taught to use the toilet. (Cats, on the other hand....) Unfortunately, other outlets tend to pick up the Daily Mail's man-bashing anti-feminism as if it's light-hearted fluff, and these two stories are no different.'

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'It's a truism in feminist circles that no one hates men more than anti-feminists'

Wow, they are dumb. But there is some truth to this statement in that some POVs are taken that are influenced by a combination of good old fashioned backwardness of gender-role thought coupled with chivalry. This kind of POV sees gender roles as being desirable but relies on stereotyping in a civalric fashion to justify it. To get the desired result, males need to be put down so that "the ladies" can be aggrandized in such a way as to place them in a certain gender role -- and men, too. This is bad. The gender roles in question are highly constraining and nothing to be considered desirable, IMO. But that is how this particular mind-set works.

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Portraying men as stupid to undermine women

Now misandry is misogyny, and sexism against men is wrong because it might harm women. Truly there is nothing more paranoid than a modern feminist. But I do get Matt's point, in that by having such low expectations of men we are operating double standards and leaving ourselves open to condemn women more severely than we would men for the same behaviour. But one flaw with this is the evidence provided by western leagal systems; women are routinely given more lenient punishments than men for the same crimes. This I suppose could also be a throwback to old-fashioned chivalry, but the upshot is still one that benefits women most. Sadly feminism's position is undermined by their own double-standards on issues such as underage sex as illustrated here. Until feminists drop their victim mentality and start playing honest nobody will believe feminists' claims to stand for equality.

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truism: (webster) obvious truth,
as in, "no one hates men more than antifeminists"?


we are living in BIZARRO WORLD, and apparently i married an alien.

this twisted logic sounds a lot like some of that alinski crap, about offering up a false premise as truth. so men who don't like feminists, really hate women and men?

wow is right. no wonder you aren't supossed to tell them the truth about how big their arse looks in that red dress. it all makes perfect sense now.

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What I find hilarious about her assertion that anti-feminists hate men, is the fact that according to aVfM, she's been frequenting the RadFem Hub, where she's been participating in discussions about sex-selective abortions of males. No one hates men like Amanda Marcotte, actually.

As for her rant about grocery stores, I can't help but wonder where the hell she's been the past 20 years? Since I was a kid, I've seen ads for grocery stores with both men and women in them.

This new assertion that women are victims of misandry is rather stupid. It reminds me of Hitlery's claim that "women are the primary victims of war" because "they lose their husbands, brothers, and sons."

Sure, whatever...

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