The Violence Against Women Act Should Outrage Decent People
Article here. Excerpt:
'It is also a bureaucratic nightmare with billions of dollars spent to establish a vast expansion of government programs that are riddled with financial irregularities. Feminists like to repeat the mantra that there is a "war against women," but when women can routinely claim nebulous "psychological harm" and keep a man out of his home, away from his children, possibly losing his job and ruining his reputation, there is more of a war against men than against women. Intimate partner violence is mostly from boyfriends, rather than husbands (about 62 percent) and it is about equal between men and women (6.4 percent vs. 6.3 percent).
The greatest problem, though, with the law, known by its acronym, VAWA, is that it is an ineffective program; it has a long history of failure. A family violence expert said, "There is no evidence that VAWA has led to a decrease in violence against women." Instead, the legislation has morphed into a rigid, inhuman law enforcement tool that relies on restraining orders and mandatory arrests instead of ending intimate partner violence. The law is more about building feminist power structures than about protecting vulnerable women or helping battered women.'
Also see this article from the same source.
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And another problem with it is...
... it excludes 50% of the electorate from its scope of consideration without any justifiable reason, too!