Huggies Diapers and Fathers

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's been trending wildly on the internet, has spawned, outrage, online petitions and tearful mea culpas from Kimberly - Clark spokespeople. Their Huggies commercial is criticized as dad bashing. So I asked the dad I know best - my husband - for his thoughts. He's not just a dad - he's been calling out dad-bashing since authoring "Mack Daddy," a bestselling parenting book written from a decidedly male point of view.
Undoubtedly, some folks at Huggies' marketing department may now be wearing Depends - so fearful are they for their jobs. And I say... yippee. Squirm. Sweat. Have a full blown unemployment panic attack. You deserve it after the latest Huggies commercial.
Maybe this Huggies commercial debacle will serve as a clarion call to sitcom writers and ad copywriters around the globe. Find a fresh laughingstock for your formulaic jokes. They stink like dirty diapers.'

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