Florida parents force son to stand on corner with sign as punishment for bad grades

Story here. Excerpt:

'MIAMI – A Miami seventh-grader's parents are forcing their son to stand on a street corner with a sign describing his failures in school after he got bad grades, WSVN reports.

Michael Bell. Jr. will be spending his spring break on a street corner near his home after he came home with a report card containing three failing grades. His teachers also reported he was a "class clown."

In accordance with this report, the front of Michael's sign reads: "Hey, I want to be a class clown. Is it wrong?"

The back of the sign says: "I'm in the 7th grade and got 3 F's. Blow your horn if there's something wrong with that."'

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The more appropriate punishment may have been to put the parents on the street corner for their child's bad grades.

Education of children is the parent's responsibility.

If the dude likes being class clown, he may not be too emabarrased by the punishment. Afterall it is getting him national attention.

I am not sure how I really feel about this. His parents do seem to care, and if I understand correctly, they are on the corner with him.

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It sounds to me that this kid's teachers are likely boring him to death, which is why he's doing so poorly. That's the problem with the education system these days. Teachers don't make learning the material fun enough for kids.

It's really not that hard to do. You just have to make learning into games, and make the classes interactive, where you stop every few minutes and ask questions to gauge the children's understanding. I think if every teacher taught in this style, kids everywhere would do a lot better in school.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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"His parents do seem to care"

Caring parents don't degrade their children, they support and promote them. Degrading him is not punishment, its degrading. I can't imagine any parent putting a girl out their like that, the girl would be supported, they would try and find out why she keeps failing, not just give up and shame the child into compliance. This just seems like another example of male disposability to me.

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Would you do this to a girl? No, probably not, and one of the reasons is because boys are discriminated against in education from K-12. I was a delinquent when I was a kid. I was a class clown, I skipped school, I smoked and drank. I hope to complete my PhD within the next two years. One of the reasons I did poorly was because of the amount of pain I was in emotionally because of romantic relationships with girls. Of course, not only does no one care about the pain, they also use it as an avenue to attack you. The social/psychological/emotional reasons why this boy is failing is because of a variety of factors, but no doubt one of them is how feminized education is, discrimination against boys and men, and the lack of empathy that boys and men receive in regards to their suffering. This kid might end up a Doctor like me, provided the system does not rape his heart like it does so many of us.

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I actually typed out my first comment above before I read the article (never a good idea). I had originally came down much harder on the parents. However, just before I pushed post, I decided I better read the article as something did not seem right about how they could force a boy at this age to do something like that against his will. The article also led me to a news video clip of the same story. After reading, watching and listening to the boy and his father (who stood with his boy all day), I changed my perspective as the boy did not seem too embarrassed or degraded by the act. At least that is the vibe I got, and the reason why, just before posting, I edited my comment to be softer on the parents.

I don't think this is good parenting, but I don't think it is the worst. This is also part of the problem with relying on schools to educate your children. The schools do have a bias against boys, but also so many parents send their kids out the door and nothing else. Why were the parents just now learning that he was failing? How much of this is the schools fault, parents fault, and the kids fault?

I also noticed in the video clip of the situation that they showed two local girls that were previously given the same punishment. So I am thinking that this is some sort of parenting fad for this area. I also notice that all involved were black families. I am not intending to be racist, but only truthful but because of history and situations beyond their control, many blacks have not learned good parenting skills and it appears this father is doing the best he can**


I don't beleive there is any gender discrimination in regards to the misery caused by social and romantic issues at school. I am a female and suffered terribly in high school for the same reasons you did (guys teased me for being tall and having braces) . I also skipped, smoked and drank until I finally could not take it any more and left (best day of my life!). I walked out the of the school and never went back. That decision also got me kicked out of my parents home. But I ended up entering college early (at 17) and I have my degree in nursing.

** I think better parenting would have been to take the boys Nikes away. I would have gone down to the cheapo store or second hand and got him a $10 pair of sneakers and made him wear them until his grades improve.

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