Media bashing of males damaging

Letter here. Excerpt:

'Madam -- I was concerned by some of the remarks made by Jody Corcoran (Sunday Independent, March 4, 2012).

"He is like men everywhere. They shout, they roar, they threaten. Eventually they may calm down but the damage is done. O Cuiv, like most men, will realise he should have listened to the voice of reason, which is usually the voice of a woman."

If a male journalist made negative generalisations about women, and implied that men were, on average, more reasonable than women, it is hard to believe that would be published on your front page.

Misandry in the media is prevalent and damaging. Our boys need to grow up feeling positive about their gender. Comments like Jody Corcoran's surreptitiously remove positive value from maleness.'

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