The Democrat War on Men – Contraception Mandate Obfuscation at Its Finest
Article here. Excerpt:
'COMMENTARY | The effort to turn the protest of employers with religious objections against bearing the expense of contraception coverage into a Republican war on women wasn't enough. A certain Democrat has now launched an official and quite blatant war against men.
Seriously -- now the liberals want men to provide "a notarized affidavit signed by a sexual partner affirming impotency" to get a prescription for Viagra?" How about we add a similar clause to the Obamacare contraception mandate that a woman must submit a notarized affidavit signed by a sex partner that she can achieve a measurable level of sexual arousal/pleasure before she can qualify for receiving birth control? Women have been faking orgasms since the dawn of man. Imagine having to prove you really "had one." How's that for an achievement of ultimate gender equality?
Still, while Turner's self-righteous rant sounds well and good and might serve to rally quite a few of her fellow disgruntled feminists into a frothy "gotcha" lather, what's ultimately missing from Turner's endeavor to debase the male species is any evidence that A) an unconceived child's life would be a stake in a man's decision to take Viagra and B) that any of the men requesting a prescription are demanding that someone else pay for it.'
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Gender Equity
If Nina Turner is so interested in reproductive equity, why doesn't she condemn male circumcision? Circumcising girls is illegal, so logically she should introduce a bill to criminalize male circumcision, right? The truth is she could care less about men's health and this erectile proposal is simply a matter of -- 'lets see how they like it!'
Without getting in to the pro-choice vs pro-life debate, I don't see how one can compare pregnancy & child birth to an erection. This is not an issue of fairness because there's no male equivalent to abortion. Our reproductive systems are vastly different. If anything, the female comparison to ED is infertility.