'Abortion is not for women, it is for men' - Men to 'blame' for abortion?
Letter here. Excerpt:
'Jessica Valenti's op-ed "A war on women" (March 5) would have been better titled "A war on Republicans." Abortion is not for women, it is for men! Men who engage in sexual acts forced or consensual and take no responsibility for the intercourse that could result in pregnancy.
Abortion is not a choice, it is a consequence. The slogan "A woman's right to choose" is erroneous.
Many women do not show up at abortion clinics because they choose. Most women did not willingly plan an unwanted pregnancy, did they? No, it is a consequence of a sex act that resulted in "whoops" or a sex act they were forced to have unwillingly. In either case, the man is accountable, and it was his choice!
There are many men enjoying the pleasures of sex and loving the slogan "A woman's right to choose" because they reap the fruit of the pleasure of sex without the consequence and responsibility of caring for the woman or the unwanted pregnancy.'
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Pointing fingers
When you point a finger at someone else, you've got three fingers pointing back at you.
I know alot of woman who
I know alot of woman who have had abortions. I do not know ANY that felt pressured to do so by the father, and the majority of abortions are done w/o fathers knowledge. Often the mother does not know who the biological father is, or she doesn't want him in her life for the next 18+ years.
To twist a quote from the article: it is WOMEN who are enjoying the pleasures of sex and loving the slogan "A woman's right to choose" because they reap the fruit of the pleasure of sex without the consequence and responsibility of caring WHO THE FATHER IS or the unwanted pregnancy.
Women have no one to blame but themselves for all the abortions.