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The one MD on the left says to do it early on as possible so the boy doesn't know the difference. The one on the right says there is no scientific data to show that there is a loss of sensitivity to the penis due to circumcision. In the mean time they both cite incorrect data or non-correlative data around what has gone on in Africa and HIV, and concerning UTIs. At no time did they or the interviewer address the moral problems associated with circumcision or the risks involved with it. And there was no one there present to argue the other side of the issue.
Time for FOX to hear from us:,2933,77538,00.html. Call or click the "Email" link at the left and tell them what you think of the imbalance in this interview segment. At the same time, feel free to update them on some facts around this "practice" they may not be aware of.
Permalink Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2012-03-12 03:06
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"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand
The one MD on the left says to do it early on as possible so the boy doesn't know the difference. The one on the right says there is no scientific data to show that there is a loss of sensitivity to the penis due to circumcision. In the mean time they both cite incorrect data or non-correlative data around what has gone on in Africa and HIV, and concerning UTIs. At no time did they or the interviewer address the moral problems associated with circumcision or the risks involved with it. And there was no one there present to argue the other side of the issue.
Time for FOX to hear from us:,2933,77538,00.html. Call or click the "Email" link at the left and tell them what you think of the imbalance in this interview segment. At the same time, feel free to update them on some facts around this "practice" they may not be aware of.