Child Abuse Law in Wisconsin

Article here.  Finally, somebody with enough balls to tell the truth and is trying to pass a law about it.  There are thousands of studies and data to prove this without question - yet it will be political suicide for this guy to try and get this passed.  Watch what happens. Excerpt:

'In Wisconsin, a state senator has introduced a bill aimed at penalizing single mothers by calling their unmarried status a contributing factor in child abuse and neglect.

Senate Bill 507, introduced by Republican Senator Glenn Grothman, moves to amend existing state law by "requiring the Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board to emphasize nonmarital parenthood as a contributing factor to child abuse and neglect."'

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I think this guy has taken things too far, to effectively criminalize being a single parent, regardless of circumstances. The legitimate reasons will get lost under the extreme method, and the left is well known for ignoring those legitimate reasons and playing on emotions to pull down their opposition.

"There are thousands of studies and data to prove this without question"

I'm not sure this is quite correct, there are thousands of studies that show two parent involvement is by far more beneficial, few say anything about those two parents being in the same household, let alone married, likewise.

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Yeah I can't get behind this either. If this bill would suggest single mothers are being abusive can you imagine what it's authors would have to say about single dads?

I don't really have a problem with whatever parenting arrangement is decided on as long as both partners get a say in that decision.

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that raising kids without a father increases the risk of:

school drop out
drug use
risky behavior
criminal behavior

And there are many studies that show this.
Furthermore, many of these pregnancies are traps designed by the women to "catch" the man. When the man objects or flees, you have "planned" single parenthood with the above results highly likely vs the standard two parents (married) family living in middle class.

oregon dad

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"that raising kids without a father increases the risk of:"

But raising kids WITH a father does not require that father be married to, or even living with, the mother (or vice versa), as this bill would suggest.

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