SAVE Advisory: Women Against VAWA Excess
Women Against VAWA Excess – WAVE – is dedicated to exposing how the Violence Against Women Act has veered away from its original intended purpose to stop domestic violence. Now, VAWA has come to embrace a radical ideology that marginalizes true victims, harms families, and betrays the ideals of equality feminism.
WAVE invites persons to visit its website, which features articles by Wendy McElroy, Anna Rittgers, and others: http://womenagainstvawa.org/
WAVE also sponsors a Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/WomenAgainstVAWAExcess?sk=wall. We invite women to drop by and share your experiences and concerns about VAWA and with the domestic violence programs in your area.
For information on submitting an article, contact editor-at-womenagainstvawa.org
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