See the Controversial Photo of a Dad Bottle-Feeding His Baby
Article here. Excerpt:
'Breastfeeding activists in New Zealand raised so much of a stink over an ad featuring a dad bottle-feeding his baby that the New Zealand government actually decided to edit the image above out of the ad.
While the government's decision could be viewed as a victory for La Leche League, which protested the ad, some observers have concluded that the decision is a sad day for dads. If a father is going to be involved in the feeding of his new baby, it's only going to happen through a bottle. Even in many families where the baby is drinking breast milk exclusively, Mom is often pumping milk to allow others -- including Dad -- to feed the baby breast milk through a bottle. So, to state the obvious: An ad showing a dad bottle-feeding a baby doesn't mean that the child isn't drinking breast milk. (We won't get into the fact that parents should be allowed to make feeding choices without being judged.)'
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Even though the Le Lesche
Even though the Le Lesche Leaugue helped me alot during my first breastfeeding experience, they are an extreme group. They went way overboard by protesting this ad.
This extremism isn't unique
This extremism isn't unique to New Zeland.
In Quebec, Canada (and possibly elsewhere in Canada but I have no way to confirm this), mothers are often pressured into breast-feeding their baby even if they're physically incapable of doing so.
Except instead of a separate group, it's part of the government-funded health system.