Huggies Thinks Dads are Incompetent

Seen Huggies latest "Dad Test" campaign? Apparently, Huggies believes dads are bumbling idiots who are incompetent at parenting.

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This reminds me of a stupid show they had on CBC here in Canada. It was called "The Week the Women Went." It was essentially the same idea as Huggies' "dad test"; all of the women in a small town leave for a week, leaving the men to take care of the houses and the children, with the expectation being that they'll have no idea what to do.

A pretty misandric concept indeed. Fortunately, the dads on that show showed everybody by doing a good job taking care of the town and the children. I guess in the eyes of Huggies advertising department, if these men did a good job, it was only because Huggies' products are idiot-proof. It's simply another case of heads-they win tails-you lose misandry.

I have an idea for a new show. How about a bunch of couples with traditional gender roles trade roles for a week. The man can take care of the house, and the woman can do the man's job for a week. Or better yet, the men leave for a week, leaving the women to take care of the home and earn the income they'll have to live off of for that week. (this is simply the reverse of the CBC show I referred to earlier). Of course, such a misogynistic show designed to make women look stupid, would never be made.

Real Men Don't Take Abuse!

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