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Here we go again where a person in power is slobbering pandering to a specific group,in this case to the feminist. To be gender specific and to "gender profile" is a twisted, unfair injustice.Even his statistics seem bias and trumped up to somehow justify this disgraceful double standard.No body denies that domistic violence is a tragedy,but to target men only is an unbelievable travesty,and proves without doubt how feminism has rotted the minds of various people. But for these people to be in a position of power,is not only scary,but also corrupt.
this guy could be the poster boy for the word 'mangina'.
i look at him and i don't see a guy, really. he is something...less somehow.
you can see it in his demeanor. he could easily wear obummer's t-shirt saying
"this is what a feminist looks like", in pink, and carry it off, just like obummer.
btw, (off topic) everybody needs to go and google arizona's sheriff joe and his posse of
deputized retired lawyers and law enforcement folks. today they have some videos of
computer (retired fbi & others) experts taking obama's birth certificate apart and explaining
how it was put together. good stuff.
they also show how his draft registration was forged. vellly interesting.
this investigation has been going on for months. obama has sicked holder on him,
and the mexican cartels have a $1 million bounty on him. probably got t.a.r.p. funds for it.
some college computer classes have found many other irregularities. its an obvious forgery.
Permalink Submitted by daveinga on Fri, 2012-03-02 02:02
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- The Men's Activist News Network
"You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality." - Ayn Rand
Same old thing
Here we go again where a person in power is slobbering pandering to a specific group,in this case to the feminist. To be gender specific and to "gender profile" is a twisted, unfair injustice.Even his statistics seem bias and trumped up to somehow justify this disgraceful double standard.No body denies that domistic violence is a tragedy,but to target men only is an unbelievable travesty,and proves without doubt how feminism has rotted the minds of various people. But for these people to be in a position of power,is not only scary,but also corrupt.
wow, just wow
this guy could be the poster boy for the word 'mangina'.
i look at him and i don't see a guy, really. he is something...less somehow.
you can see it in his demeanor. he could easily wear obummer's t-shirt saying
"this is what a feminist looks like", in pink, and carry it off, just like obummer.
btw, (off topic) everybody needs to go and google arizona's sheriff joe and his posse of
deputized retired lawyers and law enforcement folks. today they have some videos of
computer (retired fbi & others) experts taking obama's birth certificate apart and explaining
how it was put together. good stuff.
they also show how his draft registration was forged. vellly interesting.
this investigation has been going on for months. obama has sicked holder on him,
and the mexican cartels have a $1 million bounty on him. probably got t.a.r.p. funds for it.
some college computer classes have found many other irregularities. its an obvious forgery.